The Incredible Hulk is inspired by She-Hulk’s major MCU moment

A defining moment in the Marvel arc Strong woman It was actually a callback from the Marvel Cinematic Universe that some fans have missed! in Strong woman Episode 2 Jennifer Walters (Tatiana Maslany) is forced to deal with the fallout of unleashing her She-Hulk form for the first time in public, thwarting a courtroom escape by powerful influencer Titania (Beautiful Beautiful). Even as Jane tries to put her (new giant) feet under her feet, the world around her decides to run with a narrative of what just happened.

Warning: the cups follow!

at the beginning of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law Episode 2, “Superhuman Law,” we get news footage of how the MCU world reacted to She-Hulk’s debut. A news anchor talks to a man on the street who was a witness to the event, and that man tries to give a name to the woman Hulk saw. “Chick Hulk” doesn’t quite hit correctly when a witness uses it, but the news anchor has a better name in mind: “She-Hulk.”

In the name of phase zero audio notation This post indicates that the news anchor who called She-Hulk was a comic spin on the MCU origin of Bruce Banner’s Hulk name. in Incredible HulkBruce Banner’s Hulk-out at Culver University was blown up in the media, and a college witness appeared on camera and described the monster he saw as “so huge, it was such a huge…like a Hulk!”

It was a rather cliched way for the Incredible Hulk to establish how the Jade Giant got its name; Like many things in Strong womanthe show parody and mocks the MCU with all its self-importance, though Strong woman naming. This humorous moment is taken a step further when Jane has to deal with the fact that she has been labeled a ” Strong woman“A name she would never choose for herself but would be sealed forever. It’s just another hidden method Strong woman It re-examines the traditions and culture of superheroes from a modern feminine perspective.

This callback wasn’t the only way She-Hulk Episode 2 handled a legacy Incredible Hulk: Jane’s new job as a lawyer leading the supernatural oath comes at the expense of having to present her first case to defend Emile Blonsky (Abomination) on his conditional appeal – only when the world discovers that abomination is extra work by fighting cage fights. Magician Supreme Wong. That should make She-Hulk Episode 3 as exciting as any Hulk sequel could be…

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law New episodes every Thursday on Disney+.



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